"Washington, Colorado, and Kansas are the definite powerhouses in this area. While Oregon, Nevada, and Utah also have significant militaries, they would need key alliances to achieve dominance. The wild card here is the presence of the ICBM Silos in most of the weaker regions. Although the ICBMs were supposed to be decommissioned and removed from these silos in 2007, there are rumors that some were missed or possibly hidden by the regions."
"As California disintegrated, the US Northwest was at least able to maintain State integrity. Although distrust has led to growing animosity between past friends, there have as yet been no open conflicts between the states. However the military advantages of Washington, Colorado, and Kansas seems to be endangering that peace. ╢╢Now that a vote to unify the entire region has been scheduled for two years from now, the powerful regions have begun to bully and threaten their neighbors in an attempt to influence the outcome. The possible presence of leftover Nuclear ICBM's could also factor heavily into the outcome of possible hostilities. Although we donÆt expect any of these leaders to resort to the use of Weapons of Mass Destruction, desperation can lead to desperate acts. It will take a skilled diplomat to gain control of this area without use of force. And should conflict break out, there is no telling how far it will leadà"
"Washington, Colorado, and Kansas are the definite powerhouses in this area. While Oregon, Nevada, and Utah also have significant militaries, they would need key alliances to achieve dominance. The wild card here is the presence of the ICBM Silos in most of the weaker regions. Although the ICBMs were supposed to be decommissioned and removed from these silos in 2007, there are rumors that some were missed or possibly hidden by the regions."
&&EMAIL 00
&&EMAIL 01
"We are in the unique position of having good military strength and not being surrounded by any significant threats. An alliance with either Oregon or Idaho could possibly allow us to begin a conquest from someone elseÆs territory and limit our own risk. Colorado and Kansas are likely the biggest threats, but we canÆt ignore both the possible ICBM and the conventional missile capabilities of many of the smaller regions. ╢╢Should you wish to be more cautious, you may consider trying to maintain neutrality for a while and see what transpires among the other regions. In that way we can continue to build up and watch for the best opportunity to make our move."
&&EMAIL 02
"Although we are economically sound and have considerable popularity with our own citizens, we must make alliances to ensure our continued survival. We are considerably overmatched militarily by several of our neighbors, especially Washington. ╢╢Although it is very likely that nothing we do will allow us to emerge victorious, it is possible that if we can stay out of any hostilities we could enjoy some dramatic boosts in the Unification Vote polls. Tread carefully and see what opportunities arise!"
&&EMAIL 03
"We are not likely to have a significant impact on the outcome of the Unification Vote. Our population is just too small. As well we could be easily overpowered in any military struggle in which we get involved. We also lack the unknown deterrent that many of our weaker neighbors possess, a possibly armed Missile Silo. ╢╢Our best hope for any positive outcome would be to court as many diplomatic offers as possible, and to just keep our heads down when and if conflict erupts."
&&EMAIL 04
"We are not likely to have any impact on the outcome of the Unification Vote. Our population is just too small and our resources too insignificant. As well we could be easily overpowered in any military struggle in which we get involved. ╢╢Our possible salvation could come from the presence of the Grand Forks ICBM Silo. We managed to secretly keep two ICBM's from the Federal Nuclear Disposal Force when they deactivated the silo. By activating and arming the Silo we would have a sufficient deterrent against anyone attempting to pressure us. Of course that same idea could backfire and we may become a target to many regions intent on ensuring our disarmament. ╢╢Regardless of your decision regarding the Grand Forks facility, the best advice I can offer is to make as many friends as possible and hope to stay out of the line of fire."
&&EMAIL 05
"We are in the same position as many of our neighbors û too insignificant to hope to have much impact on the outcome of the leadership bids in the area. Although we could pursue the reactivation of the Ellsworth Missile Silo and arm it with our one remaining ICBM to provide a deterrent, it would most likely just attract unwanted attention our way. ╢╢Diplomacy and an unthreateningly low profile could be the only opportunity we have to survive until the Unification Vote. LetÆs hope that if the situation explodes, that the more powerful regions are content to attack only each other."
&&EMAIL 06
"Washington is the real threat to our sovereignty. They have a definite military advantage over us and could decide to use us as a stepping-stone to the other regions in the area. Also, should we ally with either of the other powerful regions, Colorado or Kansas, we just may end up being the battlefield for others. ╢╢Economically we are sound, so if the area remains peaceful and we can acheive a high approval rating, it could mean a lot of Unification Votes!"
&&EMAIL 07
"Military analysts have projected that if conflict breaks out in this area, we will be the likely battlefield. Our untapped natural resources, as well as our insignificant military presence make us an easy and worthwhile target. The only thing that could possibly make another region have second thoughts about attacking us is the presence of the Warren Missile Silo. Although the Federal Nuclear Disposal Force did manage to confiscate all of our ICBM's, our neighbors don't know that as an absolute certainty. The rumors of remaining warheads could be used to our advantage... I suggest that we reactivate the Silo as quickly as possible. It might be a bluff, but it certainly seems worth trying! ╢╢If the Silo bluff fails, our only hope would seem to be a beneficial diplomatic relationship. Perhaps the ability to provide a supply line for another region will be enough to earn us an allianceà That also would at least be worth a try!"
&&EMAIL 08
"As with a number of the other regions in this area, we are considered by many to be a second-class citizen. Kansas, Colorado, or Washington could easily crush us with their military if they were so inclined and even the presence of the Offut Missile Silo and our one remaining ICBM would not be a sufficient deterrent to prevent this. Especially since we dare not use that missile against either of our closest threats (Kansas and Colorado) because we would be very susceptible to possible fallout. ╢╢Diplomacy seems to be the only potential path we could take that would lead to any hope for success. Well, that and perhaps some of the other regions crippling themselves against each other. So do your best to stay out of any conflicts!"
&&EMAIL 09
"Our best advantage for possible victory in the Unification Vote is definitely our isolation from our neighbors. Regardless of what conflicts may arise, the desert should keep them away from our major cities û and from our source of gambling income. Although this has been hurt dramatically due to decline in tourism, we have a very good chance of a rebound once things settle down. ╢╢The first priority should be to avoid direct conflict if at all possible. Not only could it bring down unwanted military attention, it would definitely have a further negative impact on future tourist dollars."
&&EMAIL 10
"Our strategic positioning between Colorado and Kansas to the East and Washington to the North West is cause for grave concern. If the area deteriorates into a military struggle it is likely that battles will be held in our territory whether we like it or not. Should war become inevitable build up what defensive capabilities you can and try to ride it out with whatever alliances are possible."
&&EMAIL 11
"Our technological advantages could be key should the area deteriorate into all out conflict. We should further pursue such advancements, particularly with our military. And if war does break out, then we should pick our opportunity and make as aggressive a move as possible, particularly if we see a weakness in either Kansas or Washington. ╢╢If somehow peace can be maintained, we would have as good a chance as anyone in winning the Unification Vote."
&&EMAIL 12
"Arguably we are militarily the strongest region in this area. Not only do we have excellent military resources and numerous bases but we also have a good supply of natural resources. Unfortunately we did not manage to retain any ICBM's from the Federal Nuclear Disposal Force and we're uncertain whether our neighbors were able to or not. So it may be quite risky to attempt military action against any of our neighbors that have a Missile Silo. There is just no way of telling whether the silo is armed or not! ╢╢In light of this potential nuclear threat, I would suggest that we ignore the potential military buildups and see if we can chart a peaceful course through to the Unification Vote. Not only would this surprise the critics who see us as warmongers, but it would certainly add to our popularity and quite possibly secure the election."
"Congratulations on your victory in the US North West! You have proven that you do have the qualities needed to potentially vie for world domination. Perhaps you are ready to try a full-blown campaign and attempt to become the true Supreme Ruler..."
"Unfortunately you have failed in your efforts to conquer the US North West. Perhaps attempting some additional practice scenarios would be wise before you attempt a complete campaign."
"Unfortunately you have been defeated in the Unification Vote for the US North West with %s emerging as the victor! Perhaps attempting some additional practice scenarios would be wise before you attempt a complete campaign."
"Congratulations on your victory in the US North West! Your leadership to this point has been quite impressive and we have made good progress in our campaign towards world supremacy. The next challenge we must face is listed below. When you are ready to proceed, give the order and we will begin."
"Although we were unsuccessful with our efforts in the US North West, there are other opportunities for leadership. Below you will see what offers are available to pursue:"
"You have been defeated in the Unification Vote for the US North West with %s emerging as the victor! At least other regions are still willing to offer you another chance at leadership. Below you will see what offers are available to pursue:"
"Congratulations! You have emerged the victor in the US North West against other human challengers. Your personal record will be amended to reflect this success."
"You have failed in your quest to conquer the US North West against other human opponents. Better luck next time..."
"You have lost the unification vote for the US North West against other human opponents. %s (%s) has emerged the victor! Better luck next time..."